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Baldur Bjarnason
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Baldur Bjarnason
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Digital Downloads
Out of the Software Crisis: Systems-Thinking for Software Projects
2 Files
(EBOOK) Software projects keep failing, not because we don’t have the right team or tools but because our software development system is broken. Out of the Software Crisis is a guide to fixing your software projects with systems-thinking making them more resilient to change and less likely to fail.
Baldur Bjarnason
The Intelligence Illusion: a practical guide to the business risks of Generative AI
2 Files
What are the major risks to avoid with generative AI? How do you avoid having it blow up in your face? Is that even possible? The Intelligence Illusion is an exhaustively researched guide to the risks of language and diffusion models.
Baldur Bjarnason
Yellow: principles (or useless aphorisms) for software dev (ebook edition)
2 Files
Yellow is a short ebook (around 90 pages). In it, I outline some of the core principles that drive my work using casual and approachable language, even when I'm covering potentially complex topics such as Gall's Law or loose coupling.
Baldur Bjarnason
Uncluttered: free yourself from Node with import maps and test-driven web development
Available until
Baldur Bjarnason
Yellow: the core concepts, philosophy, principles, or useless aphorisms of software development
Available until
Baldur Bjarnason
The 'Everything 2023' Bundle
Courses: 2
Digital Downloads: 2
Every Ebook Bundle
Three ebooks: Yellow, Out of the Software Crisis, and The Intelligence Illusion
Digital Downloads: 3